Tuesday, February 14, 2012

SOME PRETTY THINGS: Valentine's Day edition.

Happy Valentine's Day, friends!
Here's how my ideal love day would unfold. Doesn't have to be today. Any old day will do.
Savannah Marie

this hunk would call me. (he probably wouldn't actually call me, since he lives with me, but just go with my storyline i'm building here.)
i'd take the call on this pretty telephone.
we'd have breakfast together in this pretty nook...
...where he'd surprise me with these pretty vintage earrings....
...or this pretty necklace.
we'd grab this pretty quilt...
...and these pretty glasses (*full of margaritas)
....and we'd snuggle up on our back porch in this pretty glider...
....while looking at our pretty garden (*that looks just like this in my make believe story)
eventually, we'd come in & i'd put on this pretty dress... 
...or this pretty dress & we'd go dancing.
we'd eventually come home, where i'd put on this pretty nightie.
...and we'd get in this pretty bed....and
I probably shouldn't type out the rest of the story. *winks*

photosources: A is our photo,  B, C, D, E, F,
G, H, I, J, K, L, M.

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