Sunday, September 28, 2008


In occasione delle sfilate che si stanno tenendo in questi giorni, vi propongo alcuni look ispirati alle 4 fashion capitals...Dove "Glamour" è la parola d'ordine! Prendete spunto per la prossima stagione!


New York




Per questa nuova stagione eliminate collant color carne o velati, la moda rilancia le calze coprenti. A righe, bicolore, in pizzo, stampate. In stile college o dalle tramature seducenti, danno il tocco in più ad un abitino basic!

Chanel propone l'optical e il pizzo in versione tromp-l'oeil.
Chloè si ispira ad i campi di fiori color blu notte con dettagli glitterati.
Matthew Williamson completa la mise con collant coprenti color fumo di Londra.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Si chiamano Bangles e sono i famosissimi bracciali rigidi, in voga negli anni 70 e tornati di moda grazie alla vintage passion. In resina, lucite, preziosi, smaltati, in legno o borchiati..saranno protagonisti anche questa stagione! Completano anche il più basic dei look! Take a look!

Mischa Barton

Miss Selfridge Bangles set, Asos Bangle

Vintage Bakelite Bangle, Kenneth Jay Lane Bangles

Roberto Cavalli Bracelet, Vintage Lucite Bangle


Un accessorio da non trascurare questo inverno! in lana, chiffon, lurex o tricot.. la sciarpa viene rivalutata e resa dettaglio indispensabile per completare l'outfit. Lo sanno bene Sienna Miller, Mischa Barton, Mary-Kate Olsen & co che ne hanno fatto un vero e proprio cult accessory! da indossare in tutte le stagioni! Eccovi alcuni esempi...

Sembra appena uscita dall'armadio della nonna la sciarpona in lana viola/blu di Malene Birger.

In chiffon nero e teschi stampati di ispirazione rock, Alexander McQueen.

Elegante e sofisticata, in lana blu e lurex, Balenciaga.

Con maxi fiocco in lana rosa porpora, Miu Miu.


Lace up Peep Toe Pump di Vince Camuto: in vernice nera e dettagli dorati di ispirazione anni 80, da indossare con skinny pants o pencil skirts.

Marc Jacobs Slouch Leather Boots: a mio parere assolutamente fantastici! si abbinano a tutto, vestitini retro, jeans, maxi cardigan! un vero e proprio Must Have!

Stiletto Ankle boots Alexander McQueen: sexy e perfetti in ogni momento della giornata! con un lezioso fiocchetto in pelle sono ideali anche sotto un vestitino per una serata chic..

Quali sono i must-have per questo autunno-inverno?

Gli stilisti sulle passerelle ne hanno proposti tanti, ma ecco quelli che effettivamente possiamo indossare..per creare un look sempre up-to-date e iperglamour!


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Most Fashionable Shoes of Summer 2008. Resuming the Going Off Season.

Riot of color is the hit of the season that is going off. It concerns not only footwear but clothes, bags and accessories. But still parti-coloured footwear and accessories remain in fashion this season as well.

Fabulous ladies footwear and modern handbags can easily transform and update an outfit. Never underestimate the power of the correct shoes for an outfit. Great shoes, sandals, boots or special ‘take notice of me’ shoes, like these affordable tie shoes right from Dorothy Perkins, can take an outfit into the modernest moment. Colored shoes are shoes of this moment from Dorothy Perkins, Giovanni Battista Martini, Marc Jacobs, Cole Haan, Goyard and Gucci.

See the full gallery HERE

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Skirt Fashion. Pencil Skirt is The Hit Of This Season (Fall 2008)

In particular skirt shapes have been refreshed again, so the close fit trend seems new and fashionable. Tight and close fit skirts, high waist or low waist skirts are the hit of this season. The waist can be a focus of interest if you have a waist to show.
Stratch skirts or denim, cottone or woollen, one-colour or many-coloured, striped or checkered, leopard or just animal print - whatever you want, the only condition is the pencil shape.
The most fashioansble length is a little below the knees.

In solid grey or black plaid, its form flattering silhouette gives your conservatibe wardrobe a smart and sexy edge. It is made comfortable with a back zipper and walking vent.

Hot Tip - 2008 Must-have - Pencil Skirts

Close fit are always popular with women since they enable elegant movement. With time, whatever your age, the Fall of 08, is one you will probably recall as the Fall of elegance and sexuality in fashion trends.

Pencil Skirt Gallery (click the pic to enlarge)

Pencil Skirt is The Hit Of This Season (Fall 2008) Pencil Skirt is The Hit Of This Season (Fall 2008) Pencil Skirt is The Hit Of This Season (Fall 2008) Pencil Skirt is The Hit Of This Season (Fall 2008) Pencil Skirt is The Hit Of This Season (Fall 2008) Pencil Skirt is The Hit Of This Season (Fall 2008)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Last Fashion Trends for Fall 2008 and Winter 2009 Checkered Clothes and Accessories

Сheckered Clothes for Fall 2008/9

Сheckered clothing is a fashion trend that has steadily grown this summer, and will continue to be prominent through the fall and winter. One way that the checkered trend is developing is that it now includes other similar design, for example, stripes, polka-dots and rhombuses. Another way that this trend is growing in momentum is that more and more accessories have checkered textures.

The secret of wearing a checkered based pattern fashion trend successfully, is to relate the volume of pattern to your personality. If you are normally an understated dresser, then select just a small checkered item. It may be as small as a money clutch purse like the Blumarine model left is holding. Or, it could be as lavish as the Blumarine designer coat or boots she is wearing.

If the full-on glamour look of checkered clothes is not for you, then checkered shoes or bag can be the perfect answer. Fhillip Lim, Chanel and Vivienne Westwood - checkered cardigan Autumn 2008 trends. In fact you will be amazed how many items in your wardrobe can appear instantly updated with an checkered clutch, or given an instant lift with some snazzy footwear.

If you prefer just to flirt with checkered as a passing fashion fad, then pop this inexpensive little cardigan into your weekly shopping trolley at Asda. It would swiftly uplift basic trousers, skirt or shift dress into Fall 2008.

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