i hope you guys had an awesome weekend. mine was pretty easygoing. spent friday night at home & in bed early & last night beitthemeans was booked to play a private party relatively close to birmingham, so i hung out there for a few hours, had probably too many beers, and yet still managed to make it home in bed at a semi-reasonable (for me) time. weather's been a little chilly today, so i think i'm going to hide inside for the rest of the afternoon!
now, if you follow my facebook or my twitter, then it's no secret to you that i'm a huge, HUGE heart fan. i love ann & nancy wilson so much i almost can't even stand it. i am constantly inspired by their style, from the early 70's-the early 80's. i love pretty much everything about these two. plus, i always thought it would be cool to be in a band with one of my sisters. problem is, the musical talent in my family was never really passed on to me. or either of my sisters. anyway...
it's undeniable how much music inspires fashion. the two artfroms really go hand in hand. (is that why my boyfriend, affectionately known as "the boy in the rock & roll band" & myself get along so fabulously? perhaps.) anyway, here are a few of my favorite images. i'm going to put dreamboat annie on the record player...
*sidenote: heart is playing in june about 4 hours from birmingham, & at the beach, to boot. it sure would be awesome if my boyfriend were to take it upon himself to purchase 2 tickets to the event. hint. hint.

photosource: google images.
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