today's been kind of a weird day. i'm turning 27 on tuesday & that's cool, i guess, but i really don't want to get any older & more than that, i'm really not looking forward to wednesday. my little sister is moving to texas on wednesday. she's also taking the dog that wears tiny sweaters with her. so this week will be bittersweet. our birthday (my sister & i have the same birthday. she was born the day i turned two.) will probably be fun, but my best friend & the little dog i've grown so attached to are both leaving the next day. i've tried to talk my sister out of moving, but in the end, it's probably best for her. i guess i'll just have to put on my big girl panties & deal with it. sigh.
presley & i have just been hanging out all morning doing crafty stuff. we've got the doors to the porch open because it's so nice & she's been out there for hours painting & singing. i came in to get some work done & got distracted looking at some old photos of me. it's always interesting to me to look back at EBV in the very beginning. thought you guys might enjoy the flashback of ebv's very first model, yours truly.
embrace some sunshine today...there's plenty of it!

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