the boy & i are going to the big city tomorrow. i always get excited about our adventures, but for some reason, i'm particularly excited about this one. further is playing this weekend & we are going up to vend the shows. (further is bob weir & phil lesh from the grateful dead's band) i love, love, love the grateful dead (let's be honest. who freakin' doesn't?) & i'm definitely excited to catch the shows.
in addition, we decided to go up a day early to have a little date night in the city. between him traveling with his band so much & my girl's trip to new orleans last weekend, work, and the kiddos and everything else we have going on, we have both been so busy lately & haven't seen a whole bunch of each other...which is weird since we live in the same house. anywho, so we are going up early so we have plenty of time to explore on the way up (we love road trip exploring.) & just enjoy each other's company in different scenery. we have the "honeymoon suite" reserved at one of the casinos tomorrow night. (ok, maybe i fibbed to the hotel lady & told her we were on our honeymoon to score the upgraded room. so sue me.) one of our favorite things to do is drink beer & play penny slot machines right beside each other. i love to gamble, but i also hate wasting money, so a few months back, he convinced me to give the penny slots a try & now i love it. we drink beer & laugh & we usually even win $50 or so. it's fun.
anyhow, so i'll be home on monday to report on the weekend. in other news, i've also got about a million pairs of killer vintage boots that are hitting the the store next week so keep your eyes out for those.
one more sweet baby presley is feeling a little sick today. she had to miss school today for the first time & was kinda bummed about that. :( she's spending the weekend with her daddy & i'm sure she's gonna be fine, but you guys keep her in your thoughts if you would. it's always so pitiful when one of the babies get sick!
savannah marie

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