we just got home a little while ago from one of my favorite trips of the year...the world's longest yard sale. it stretches for 675 miles from hudson, michigan to gadsden, alabama, and it is awesome! i've got to update the vintage shop tonight, but i was pretty eager to share our candid shots from the weekend. part two of this blog post will be tomorrow when i show you guys all the stuff i bought! i scored some goodies for the shop, some great vintage kitchen stuff for me & some neat things for the kiddos.
here's a little break down of how the trip went: saturday we shopped all day, had some awesome mexican food, and then drove up to this great koa campground in georgia. we swam with the kiddos, then thought them how to play tetherball *note: playing tetherball at dusk is dangerous, lol*. we watched a movie & then put the kiddos to bed & enjoyed some beers & laughs at our campsite. a campfire would've been nice, but it was already about 1000 degrees, so we passed on that. we also celebrated my eventual husband's thirtieth birthday on the trip, so that was pretty cool. it was just an all around great weekend for all of us. hope you guys had some awesome in your weekends, too!
my first purchase of the weekend. 80's cocktail hour sweatshirt. i know. awesome!
nathan. aka the thirtieth birthday boy. aka the boy in the rock & roll band. aka the boy with the pretty blue eyes. aka my eventual husband.
i liked this bowl of dominoes. kinda wishing i'd bought it.
a funeral home phone! just what i always wanted. (((no thanks)))
awesome. i tried so hard to come up with something i could do with this so i could justify buying it. i couldn't come up with anything.
my grandpa used to buy these for me when i was a little girl. the numbers are the bottoms of their dresses are supposed to correspond with your age. did anybody else get these?
this is what nathan & i are going to look like when we get old.

the kiddos.

hey handsome. thanks for carrying everything. (also, paying for it.) :)
the ride.
happy birthday, love!
mister roger's potty training??? mmmk.
a bowl made of of popsicle sticks!
the end.
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